There are many reasons that CakePHP recommends upgrading. But should you, really? Contrary to what you would expect, I am here to tell you that maybe you should not upgrade your application. WHAAAAAAT? I said what I said.
The answer is no… but yes, the application should be upgraded. What do I mean? I mean that SOMEONE should upgrade to CakePHP 4, but that someone should not necessarily be you or your team.
Let’s be real… upgrading takes time. It will take priority and focus. Is extra time something your team has? Usually not. This is why I suggest outsourcing for any upgrading.
Perhaps your team is extremely busy with internal work, and you just can't fathom the idea of utilizing your resources on a time consuming project, such as upgrading. I would imagine that it’s not an easy task to go to your CEO / IT manager and explain why you were unable to meet a deadline due to unexpected complications during a migration. This is one reason that it would be beneficial to hire a team. Then, you are able to keep your team working on tasks that actually add value to your business, providing the best service for your customers…. What I am trying to say is let us doing the boring tasks of upgrading
No Training / New Skills
Even if a junior level developer was tasked with upgrading one or all of the company's projects, why pay for their time when it is not advancing them in any way? During an upgrade, the tedious work is not resulting in any new skills for the developer. There is no training, or development skills to be learned during an upgrade process. This is a huge factor for a lot of CakeDC’s upgrade clients. The money and time spent for doing these actions internally does not provide long term gains. For us - we need to know the ins and outs of upgrading, and we can prioritize these items for our client work. We actually learn from each migration that we do and we can utilize those skills in future upgrades.
Hire A Team
Obviously, I am going to tell you to hire CakeDC for upgrading, but truthfully that is because we have done many upgrades (and learned the mistakes / solutions to many problems that occur) and have well experienced developers in most time zones This allows us to have great relationships with our clients, and stay in constant contact. The biggest benefit is that hiring externally will not disrupt your routine, and it gets the upgrading / migration done a lot quicker. We are all tempted with distractions, prioritized work, etc. Save time, and probably money by looking into a company to do the work for you, and I promise you will thank me later.
Another shameless plug: see our development service details HERE.
Need more reason to upgrade? Check back to read next week’s blog for the many benefits.